

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our God is Not Just A God "Of The Hills"

"Then the servants of the king of Syria said to him, 'Their gods are gods of the hills.  Therefore they were stronger than we; but if we fight against them in the plain, surely we will be stronger than they.'"  (1 Kings 20:23)
In other words, "Their gods are limited gods."  This was a grave military mistake for the Syrians.  First, there were no "gods" in Israel.  There was and is the One, True, and Living God.  Secondly, since when is the Living Triune God of the Universe limited to "the hills?"  The passage reveals that the Syrians then went on to tell themselves they could defeat the Israelites "in the plain," and made plans to do so.  Score: Jews 2, Syrians 0.
I remember during a prayer time many years ago, I was praying for the Church in the Soviet Bloc nations.  During the prayer, Father knew what was going on in my "subconscious" mind.  "I know that the Lord God could deal with horses and chariots, but I'm not sure about ICBMs."  Of course, if someone other than our Father would have told me I was limiting God "to the hills," I would have, just as you, denied it to the hilt.  But deep down, we all battle the "gods-of-the-hills" syndrome.
The Living Triune God, revealed solely in Jesus Christ, is no god of limitation.  He is the God of all, of everything.  If you have lost, or are losing a battle, don't give up and think the battle is outside of Jesus' power.  Nothing is.  No one is.  He is God of "the hills," God "in the plain," the sea, the air; God of the "wherevers" and the "whoevers."  Jesus is Captain of "the Armies of Heaven."  His Blood at the Cross, His Death, His Burial, His Resurrection, His Ascension, as one Final Victory over Satan and his demonic horde, have guaranteed victory to all who surrender to Him.  No matter where you go today, to "the hills" or to "the plain," He is standing there as, "Christos Victor."
Father, in Jesus' Name, Write on my heart that "God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God"-------- "the hills" and "the plain" notwithstanding.  Amen.   
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