

Friday, June 6, 2008

"While Men Slept"

"....But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed...."  (Matthew 13:25)

The advertisement reads:

Show Your Pittsburgh Pride!!!

"Pride 2008 will be a week long celebration for and about GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bi (gender) and Transgender) Pittsburgh.  We will be celebrating in our city, starting June 16th and ending with PrideFest on Sunday, June 22.  On Sunday June 22nd from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM The GLCC (Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh) will have a booth right in the heart of the PrideFest location on Liberty Avenue.  You will be able to stop by and see what we have planned for the future of GLBT Pittsburgh." (!!)

While men slept" the enemy sowed and "planned!"  An interesting thing has happened over the years in Pittsburgh.  There is no longer a "March for Jesus" day because many of the city's pastors stopped supporting it, asserting, "that season was over."  Meanwhile, "The Philistines are upon you, Samson!"  This coming week (notice, not "day"), the homosexuals will be marching with great pride through the city streets.  While the religious community is having in-house revivals, outside its house will be the "outhouse" culture, growing, expanding, taking over.  While the religious culture is dancing and shouting in its church buildings, the demonic culture is dancing and shouting in our streets.

Some times I feel as though I am a "
while-men-slept" Believer."  I have been very active in His Church and Kingdom over my 44+ years of "full time" service, and yet at times you feel as though, well, you know the feeling.  Then you read the above headline and ask, "How can I slow down/sleep in the face of this?"  It is simply a rhetorical question.  I cannot.  You cannot.  The Church cannot.  I guess Malone is still asking challenging us, "What are you prepared to do?"

Father, in Jesus' Name, too often I have been asleep while the enemy has been sowing and planning.  Holy Spirit, keep me awake!  Amen.

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